Take Action


Thank you for marching with us!

And if you missed our march, you can still help!

Just text “DPA4PPE” to 52886, click the link, fill in your address, and send letters to your elected officials asking them to call on the White House to invoke the DPA for PPE!

We had an incredible march! Medical providers, leading journalists, celebrities, policymakers, legislators, historians, and business entrepreneurs all came together to discuss and explain our U.S. PPE crisis and its impact on patients, healthcare workers and frontline workers — like TSA agents, grocery clerks, meatpackers, delivery personnel, and drivers — and every community across America.

You can see how we marched! Go to crowdcast.io/e/needmaskstoday

Tweet and post with #NeedMasksToday


Call on Your Governor and Senators

This is the most important step you can take: ask your Governor and U.S. senators to call on the White House to invoke the Defense Production Act for PPE. Help give businesses the help they need to ramp up production of PPE and distribute it fairly.

The easiest way to do this?

Use your cell phone to text DPA4PPE to 52886. That’s it! Easy. Done.

Or if you prefer, you can leave a voice message, send an email or post this:

“My name is [your name] and I am your constituent. I live in [your state]. I am asking Governor [name of your governor] to call on the White House to use the Defense Production Act for PPE. We need to keep all frontline workers and communities safe. To do that, we need a national solution for the manufacture and fair distribution of PPE. “

Feel free to craft your own message. Just make sure you identify yourself as a constituent.


Spread the Word

Tell your friends, family, and colleagues about the urgent need for more PPE supplies across our nation. Ask them to contact their elected officials, too.

Tell them to use their cell phones to text DPA4PPE to 52886!

In your social media tweets and posts, use the hashtag #NeedMasksToday

Your voice counts!


Share Your Story

No matter who you are, please share your experience with PPE. Whether you are a frontline medical provider, a patient, part of the PPE supply chain, an elected official, or a concerned citizen, we want to know your story.